June 2013 Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Document type: minutes

Treasury Report

The treasurer was not able to attend the meeting. No treasury report given.

Web and Communications report

Website continues to function. Phone systems continues to function. Falling a bit behind on answering messages and voicemails. Future goals are to try to make additions to the website so that other intergroup members can help to answer messages as well.

New Business

We talked about trying to address the issue of protecting the treasury money in groups as well as gathering information from each group to evaluate the general health of the meeting.


Add announcement to the website encouraging anonymous feedback

We will add an announcement to the website that will remind members that they can send anonymous comments and feedback about their groups or any other issues in CoDA that they see.

Motion PASSED with the following votes
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Content re-published with the permission of Co-Dependents Anonymous, Incorporated (www.coda.org).