Forums: Podcasts

Posted by Rosemary on Sep 22, 2013 in General Discussion

I am looking for available resourses for people who do not have access to meetings. I am in Scotland and would like to find some podcasts for myself and others in the UK. Anyone know of sny links please?

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D on Sep 22, 2013

When I first started in CoDA I searched quite a bit for podcasts about codependence and was unable to find any.

In terms of other resources, there are online and phone meetings available (as well as a listing of world meetings). You can find them by going to and then clicking the "Find a Meeting" link on the home page. There is also more info about CoDA UK at

Kate F on Sep 30, 2022

Mindful this is an old post. I find member shares helpful for those times I might need to feel more connected to the programme. There are loads of meetings but sometimes  share is enough. 



Would love to find out about more libraries of shares. 


Kate F

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