Forums: she hurt me
Posted by Alex on Mar 31, 2014 in Crosstalk
Replies to this post
Tom on Jun 27, 2014 Move on. If she loved you and cared so much about the relationship why did she leave? Run now or suffer more later. Find true love in someone who will love you for who you are not what you are. |
Jen on Jul 31, 2014 My situation mirrors yours. I had been with my partner for two years married in every way but on paper. Then out of the blue, she wants time to experience life on her own, we could try dating once we lived apart. I'm not willing to go is painful as hell, when you believe you have found the person to spend the rest of your days with. |
D. on Nov 1, 2016 Certainly a challenging situation. |
Daniel on Jan 27, 2017 She is doing you a favor , she is not going to change , cut your losses and let her go, I am going through the same pain and don't think I don't know , I cried my self to sleep for the last 2 months. Woman like her are damaged and can't love anyone, educate yourself and learn to let go of someone that is hurting you. Love your self |
Rachel on Aug 29, 2017 "I love her and she has treated me bad as a lot of people that know us do not know how i have stayed this long. i need her in my life, and i don't want to loose her." What do you think you NEED her for? Most times, our desire to have people around us who treat us badly have more to do with what's going on inside of us than it has to do with them. When you say you "need" someone, it means that they are doing something for you. That's really not loving them but using them to fill something inside. Any idea what that might be? |
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