Forums: Homecoming by John Bradshaw

Posted by Eyes on Mar 2, 2017 in Other Codependency Resources

I've found John Bradshaw's book "Homecoming. Reclaiming and championing your inner child." and consequently his videos on YouTube to be tremendously helpful even on my own.

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Caroline on Apr 29, 2018

Wow, I am so pleased to see that others are farmiliar with John Bradshaw. I know this was posted last year, however this is my first time inquiring about Coda. I learned of Bradshaw when I went back to school in 2016. Even after years of therapy, I feel that he really understands codependency and families.

However, I am in need of additional support. Someone along the way, I lost myself. Regaining my self-esteem and being around others like myself is what I need A.S.A.P.


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