Forums: How do I?

Posted by Me on Mar 6, 2013 in Working the Program

I'm new to CODA and want to know what this means. I love the phrase "It works if you work it so work it you're worth it." But not sure exactly what it means to work it. Someone please explain....

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D on Mar 7, 2013

Here is my personal understanding of this phrase based on my experience:

In one piece of Coda literature it says "the program consists of four elements: attending meetings, working the steps, sponsorship, and service." I understand the phrase to mean that if I do those four things--attend meetings, work the steps, work with a sponsor and eventually sponsor others, and do service--as best I'm able, then the program will work and I will recover from codependence one day at a time.  I will get the serenity, strength, and spiritual growth I see in the old-timers in the program. These four things are often difficult and progress is often slow, but if I put a lot of work into them, then they "work" in me, and I will experience spiritual growth, life, and myself in a new way. This spiritual growth will allow me to be who I really am, beyond the confines of codependence. Each person (including me) is worthy of that discovery and that experience, so I'm worth the significant amount of time and effort it takes to do those four things.

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