Forums: The Coda Guys Club

Posted by Mitchell L on Jun 29, 2020 in New Meetings

Hi Everyone,

I want to promote a meeting if its allowed. My name is Mitchell and I joined Coda close to 4 months ago. I joined meeting and saw that 90 percent of zoom meeting were woman. Its a little difficult for me to build up my coda fellowship with woman. My coda brain tells me to connect with vulnerable people and I shall get fulfilled that way. 

I checked to see if there are Guy only meetings but all I saw were many woman only meeting. I could even see one male only meeting. What a catastrophe, right? So I decided with the help of a few fellow guys to do something about it, and we finally got our meeting posted on the website.

So to all the guys out there we can use the support and become a strong meeting with your help. We can together create a strong fellowship. I have attached my invite and like to the meeting along with all the info. 

Hello Dear Fellow,

I would like to invite you to the new guys only Coda meeting called (drum roll) the CGC Coda Guys Club

The meeting will be taking place on zoom every Thursday 12:15PM Eastern Time starting June 25th
We will be reading from the Coda Blue Book.
Below is the link to join the meeting, looking forward to seeing you there and building a nice guys fellowship.

Meeting ID: 524 523 6622
Password: coda4897

I would also like start a WhatsApp fellowship Chat for guys in Coda to reach out if they need to or share some ESH. If you want to be a part of of the chat and/if you know of anyone who can benefit please feel free to message me. Remember the chat is for guys only.

Feel free to reach out to me at

looking forward to seeing you there,

Mitchell L from Brooklyn, NY

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on Jan 19, 2021

Updated Meeting Schedule for The CoDA Guys Club (guy only meetings)

Monday (WW366)

9:30AM  Eastern

Tuesday (WW367)

7:30AM Eastern

Friday Starting (WW445)

7:30PM Eastern

The Meetings above will be a meditation meetings.

Thursday (WW308)

12:30PM Eastern Time

This meeting will be a literature meeting and we will read from the book called Codependents Anonymous

Looking forward to seeing you there.

We will be sharing the literature on the screen for those who don’t have hard copies.

Below is the link to join the meeting, looking forward to seeing you there and building a nice guys fellowship.

Meeting ID: 524 523 6622

Password: coda4897

We have also started a WhatsApp fellowship Chat for guys in Coda to make announcements or for fellows to reach out if they need to or share some ESH. If you want to be a part of of the chat, please feel free to message me or join with the link. Feel free to share the link with Coda fellow guys your think will benifit from it. Remember the chat is for guys only.

Below is also a google drive link that has lot of tools for recovery which includes listening to speakers and speeches resources, recovery pamphlets, and more.

Hope this info is useful, and that you have a great day,

Coda Fellow,

Mitchell L

(862) 800-6535

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