March 2014 Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Document type: minutes

NYC CoDA Intergroup Meeting Minutes / March 27, 2014

The meeting began at about 6:50pm.  Five people attended: Andy S., Lori L., Leta, Mary Beth, Adele B.

Quorum was met.



$20 received from Monday LGBT 9 pm meeting

$24 received from Friday Realization Center meeting

Checking Account Balance:  $590.79

Petty Cash Account Balance:  $227.71

Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted.

 No other reports were given.


1. Tabled master format changes until there is better Intergroup attendance and a sub-committee of three  to four people can be appointed for this task.


1.  Obtaining CoDa literature from storage at  the Trinity Place location was discussed.  What to do with the materials when obtained was discussed. Suggestion made to buy a lockbox.

2.  Issue of reading IG warning at the 92st Y Sunday meeting brought up as no longer needed. Motion passed 2:1 to not read as as an issue if it is not happening anymore.

3.  Two people in conflict before a meeting, bullying. Does Intergroup intervene? Consensus is "no". Intergroup only "applies" from the opening to closing prayers or statements of the meeting.

4.  Meeting time of the Intergroup meeting brought up: 6:00 vs. 6:30.  Tabled until there are more people present at the Intergroup meeting.

5.  Meeting list that is on our website may not be up to date or could be confusing.  It will be checked by Intergroup Website Master and Co-Chair.

6.  Meeting Contacts: Discussed getting contact information/emails of all meeting chairpersons.

7.  Revision to Format Feedback/Crosstalk Section to be posted on website and printed into the format and distributed to meetings.  Revision passed 5:0.

8.  Note was made that the address on the website for where to send donations was out of date. Correction will be made and date of correction noted. 

9.  Phone number on website will be examined/updated/a disclaimer added.  The CoDa phone is not a crisis hotline.  Two people (Leta and possibly Dan) have volunteered to return fact-based phone inquiries.


Chair:  Lori L.

Co-Chair:  Andy S.

Treasurer:  Richard B.

Secretary/Web Master:  Mary Beth M.

End of Meeting

Meeting ended at approximately 8:15pm. 


There were no motions.

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