May Intergroup Minutes
Intergroup session: May 26 2016 Intergroup Session
Document type: minutes
1-Attendance: 5 groups represented
2-Service Positions Open
Chair- no new volunteers; Lori stays on as Chair until further notice (since March 2014)
Co-Chair- Lorraine as of April 2016
Treasurer- no new volunteers; Andy stays on until further notice (since March 2014?)
WebMaster- Stephanie from within Coda- not officially in Intergroup
Secretary- Lorraine as of April 2016
Requirements for service positions in Intergroup: 6 months in Coda including 3 months as a GSR.
For Treasurer, the requirement is also a full time job or other steady source of income.
3-Website development discussed
Hope to use it to update meeting list, create flyers, disburse information, email from website, encourage participation, etc.
4-Literature is available for sale at Intergroup.
5-Discussed International Coda Conference in Phoenix in October and who NYS is sending as a representative.
6-Discussed possibility of 5pm Coda meeting before Intergroup Meeting and moving meeting to 6:30, but was voted down.
7-Discussed September Share-a-thon. Exact date to be decided at June meeting and then to confirm with Church. Need to bring calendar to June meeting to make sure date doesn't conflict with Jewish Holidays.
Time frame of Share-a-Thon: 12 to 5:30, front lounge, gallery, and one room upstairs. Two sharing rooms.
Three time slots, two topics per slot; total of 6 meetings.
Cookies, crackers, coffee, decaf coffee, tea, water as per January Share-a-Thon.
Relationships integrated into all topics, though no specific relationship topic. 6 topics will be:
2.Control Issues
3.Intimacy (all kinds)
5.Service- emphasize this as an important part of recovery
8.Stressed the importance of following the Traditions in meetings.
9.Discussed possible dance and picnic for summer 2016. For Coda members only.
Lorraine checking venue for dance.
10.Karaoke event set and on website for June 25th.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30.
There were no motions.
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