December Intergroup Meeting
Intergroup session: Dec 22 2016 Intergroup Session
Document type: minutes
Liz- Monday 35st, Lorraine- Thursday 35st and co-Chair, Jo- Saturday 35st and Chair, Lori- Saturday 35st if necessary
Old Business:
1-Literature was ordered by Jo for the Sponsorship Forum on January 21. (50 booklets and 50 pamphlets).
2-92st Y ban of member-- decided to 'let sleeping dogs lie'-- issue appears to have resolved itself with the end of the Step
Study Mtg./ Email asking for new Chairperson and Literature person sent by Step Study Chair/ Discussed if group questions
why 'banned' person is at meeting that another group conscience will be taken and the group reminded that the ban was
open-ended which was never meant to be; and also it is read at each meeting as part of the format that if a member is
disruptive they will be asked to leave (that meeting- not banned).
New Business:
1-Discussed how to address people that are new to Chairing meetings.
Decided to create a "Guidelines for Chairing a Meeting" link and Flyer on the website. Jo volunteered to do this.
2-Discussed preparations for the Sponsorship Forum January 21st.
Treasury is low, so suggested donation is $5 rather than a range. Agreed cannot make it mandatory.
a-Need 72 bottles of water 8 oz. each. Staples has it in bulk. Staples on 34th and Madison, phone: 212-683-8009.
Will have to buy the night before to refrigerate.
Lorraine will buy cookies and crackers at Jacks and bring the day of.
b-Time frame for the day: 1-1:30 registration/ 1:30-2:45 first meeting/ 2:45-3:15 break for snack and literature and talking to
speakers/ 3:15-4:30 second meeting/ 4:30-5:00 end/closing for literature sales and talking to speakers.
c-Two speakers at each meeting, 30 minutes each, 15 minutes for format reading.
3-Motion to adjourn made at 7:15pm.
There were no motions.
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