August 2103 Meeting Minutes

Document type: minutes


Matthew - webmaster
Andy - treasurer
Daniel - chair
Lori - Tues Jan Hus
Donald - secretary
Maria - realization center friday

Treasury Report

No activity since last month so the balances are the same. No mail has arrived in the mailbox. 
Petty cash: $296.02
Checking: $704.54 (The checking amount last month was incorrectly stated as $1000.56 which was actually the total)
Lori was reimbursed $4.31 for printing costs for the new meeting packet. The new treasury balance will be updated next month. 


Web and Communications Report

Website is getting new updates soon. You can send NYC coda anonymous messages. The phone message has been updated to remind caller that this is not a support hotline. Matthew has been continuing to answer voicemails, emails and website messages. 

Old Business

Share-a-thon discussion:
- Andy to confirm that we will have the church on the event day. 
- Matthew has volunteered to get the pizza and the soda. Matthew will also volunteer to make the flyer. Matthew will also add it to the phone message. 

New Business

Email subscription list: Matthew will be setting up a subscription list that CoDA members can sign up for. The list will be kept anonymous.  
Lori read through the new suggested meeting format and we talked about suggestions for revisions. 


There were no motions.

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