Forums: looking for a sponsor

Posted by tony on Feb 3, 2013 in Sponsorship

hi I'm a newcomer, and I'm looking for someone to sponsor me so I should go on the right track, the sponsorship can take place through phone or email.

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Daniel H. on Mar 15, 2013

Hi Tony,

My name is Daniel.  I've been in Co-Da for 23 years now, and have no claim to being an expert in anyone's recovery but my own (and not even that).  I'm willing to communicate with you via email and discuss Sponsorship.  Please be patient with my response time, as I am dealing with an number of challenging issues at this time.

My email address is

I have found recovery in Co-Da to be transformative.  It has not been quick or painless, like any real skill learned in life it takes time, commitment to yourself and lots of practice.  The rewards for me however have been tremendous:

Being comfortable in my own skin, which I never had been.  

Not feeling I have to apologize for my existence, constantly.

A sense of being worthy of good people, and respect in my life

Conscious contact with a loving higher power of my own understanding.
(Not the religious concept that was forced on me)

I don't speak for Co-Da, this is simply my experience.

In our discussions that is what I will be sharing with you, my experience in recovery.  The principles of the program are outlined in the steps.

Co-Da has a lot of excellent literature that will help you on your journey of recovery.  Send me an email and we can begin.

If you could include in your first email, a little information about yourself, how you found Co-Da, and what issues you are dealing with right now that you feel Co-Da might help you with.

Look forward to hearing from you.

In Recovery,


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