Forums: Looking for a sponsor
Posted by Steve on Aug 22, 2013 in Sponsorship
my name is Steve. I have just recently found Coda and am grateful for it, but am looking to make the next step in working the program and getting better from here. What is the process in getting a sponsor? Just approaching someone after a meeting?
i am trying to figure out how to navigate all of this and work the steps but feel as though I need more help than just sharing at the meetings each week.
Thank you,
Replies to this post
Debbie on Aug 27, 2013 I also am new and have been going to Alnon meetings and feel that CODA |
D on Sep 22, 2013 Based on my reading of literature and my experience in the program, the typical process is the newcomer approaching someone whose recovery they admire after a meeting and asking that person if they can serve as a sponsor. Some meetings also pass around phone lists that have a category listing people who are willing to sponsor, and newcomers can call one of them. |
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