About CoDA
What is CoDA
Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.
We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery -- learning to love the self. Living the program allows each of us to become increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors.
We rely upon the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for knowledge and wisdom. These are the principles of our program and guides to developing honest and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others. In CoDA, we each learn to build a bridge to a Higher Power of our own understanding, and we allow others the same privilege.
This renewal process is a gift of healing for us. By actively working the program of Co-Dependents Anonymous, we can each realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives.
What happens at a CoDA meeting?
- 90 minutes long and including readings, announcements and open sharing
- No dues or fees but small donations are accepted by not required
- Sit and face each other and each get a chance to share for 2-4 minutes (or virtually via phone or online meeting platform)
- No judgment or interruptions
- While we use the terms “God” and “Higher Power”, CoDA has no religious affiliation
Meeting Format
2016 Revised CoDA Meeting Format
Coda Prayers
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And Wisdom to know the difference.
CoDA Opening Prayer
In the spirit of love and truth, we ask our Higher Power
To guide us as we share our experience, strength, and hope.
We open our hearts to the light of wisdom,
The warmth of love, and to the joy of acceptance.
CoDA Closing Prayer
We thank our Higher Power
For all we have received from this meeting.
As we close, may we take with us
The wisdom, love, acceptance, and hope of recovery.
Content re-published with the permission of Co-Dependents Anonymous, Incorporated (www.coda.org).